Marvel Movie Nooz: Eternals Will Be “Epic,” Kraglin Hopeful for Guardians 3 and Wesley Snipes Back as Blade?
According to Marvel Studios head honcho Kevin Feige, the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe post-Avengers: Endgame is all about “different and … unique” new properties and The Eternals certainly fits the bill. The virtually immortal race of superhumans created by the Celestials have a comic book history that spans millennia and Feige is interested in seeing that history play out on the big screen.
‘Eternals’ are one group, but we like the idea of introducing an ensemble, doing an ensemble movie from the start, as opposed to building up as we did with the first ‘Avengers.’ More like ‘Guardians‘, not tonally, but in terms of introducing a new group of people. … (Creator) Jack Kirby did an immense, amazing epic with ‘Eternals’ that spans tens of thousands of years, and that’s also something we haven’t really done, which is why that among many other things post-‘Endgame,’ we find appealing.
Chloé Zhao (The Rider) will direct The Eternals from a script written by Matthew and Ryan Firpo. It is “tentatively set” for a September 2019 start date, aimed at a November 6, 2020, theatrical release.
Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3.
The future of the Guardians franchise is still up in the air following the firing of franchise writer-director James Gunn for “offensive attitudes and statements” made years ago on social media, but according to Gunn’s brother, Sean Gunn, he will return as the Ravager Kraglin alongside the loveable space pirates, even if it takes “a couple of years longer than it was supposed to.”
We’re gonna make that movie, and we’ll figure out what happens there, but you know, everything ends up having a way of working itself out I think.
The script for the threequel has been in the can for some time, but Disney has already let go all but a handful of the Guardians crew members and the main cast may not even be interested in returning so Sean’s comments might just be wishful thinking.
Blade 4
When we spoke with Wesley Snipes at an after-party during the San Diego Comic-Con a few years back, he admitted that he “might be too old” to return to the role of Eric Brooks, the “Daywalker” anti-hero of the Blade franchise. Of course, that hasn’t stopped Snipes from talking about reprising the role on numerous occasions since that time. Now, WeGotThisCovered claims that Marvel is, in fact, considering bringing back Snipes as Blade and that it may even become part of the planned R-rated slate of movies mentioned by Disney CEO Bob Iger during Disney’s Q1 earnings call. The site goes on to claim that there is already a script for Blade 4 that finds Blade training his daughter in much the same way that Abraham Whistler (Kris Kristofferson) trained Brooks.
I RLY hope 2C Guardinas3 soon! I ♥ Groot!