Sony Movie Nooz: “She-Venom” Will Return and “Lost” Spider-Man Teaser is Found
Venom 2
The first Venom managed to be a surprisingly fun romp into a darker, weirder corner of the superhero movieverse, even without any connection to the Spider-Man mythos from which the character sprang (thanks to complicated rights agreements between Sony and Marvel). A sequel is currently in development, with actor and motion capture master Andy Serkis at the helm and lead actor Tom Hardy apparently “very involved with the writing” of the script with Kelly Marcel. The rest of the cast — and the all-important villain — has yet to be announced, but the latest news has Michelle Williams reprising her role as Anne Weying/She-Venom in the sequel. She told Yahoo!:
I’m in. I’m such a fan of Andy’s, and I’m so inspired by what he’s been able to accomplish. He’s so gifted in such a specific way, and I’m very excited to learn from him and be around him.
Spider-Man (2002)
In the age of YouTube, pretty much everything that has ever been devoted to video is available online, but back in 2001, when Sam Raimi‘s Spider-Man was first being teased, “forever online” was still more science fiction than science fact. You can’t tweet, snap or post anything online anymore without someone, somewhere, screencapping it or downloading it and reposting it again. That’s what makes this “lost” teaser trailer for 2002’s Spider-Man such a novelty. Though technically a part of the modern era of superhero cinema, the movie, and the teaser that initially promoted it, were released years before YouTube’s launch date so when it was pulled from theaters after the 9/11 terror attacks because of its inclusion of the Twin Towers, there simply wasn’t an easy way for it to be preserved online.
Today, YouTube does exist, and so does the means to restore the original teaser trailer and color correct the original 35mm film and release it in stunning 4K. Enjoy this “found” blast-from-the-past teaser released when current Spider-Man, Tom Holland, was only in Kindergarten.
Images courtesy of Sony